Saab Magalona Shares Pancho’s Milestone With Message For Parents With Special-Needs Kids

  • Saab Magalona-Bacarro shared how Pancho has learned to hold and place an object on a surface in an Instagram post — a wonderful milestone!

    She excitedly shared, “Previously, he was not able to place things onto any table, container, or hand. He couldn’t help but throw everything outward. But we have been patiently guiding him every day. Never pressuring him to do it, just gently reminding him to hold on and only let go when the item is where he wants to put it.”

    In the video, you can hear Saab and her husband, Jim Bacarro, encouraging Pancho to hand them his toy dinosaur. Pancho was being held by Saab while responding to his parents’ requests through action.

    On her vlog, Saab revealed Pancho’s challenges since he was born, including brain operations. However, she explained that despite what he’s been through, he has reached milestones that his doctors said he wouldn’t be able to do, making the couple cry with happiness!


    Saab, a mom of two sons, Pancho and Vito, has empathy for parents and caregivers of children with special needs. She says in the same post: “A reminder for parents and caregivers of special needs children that every small thing we do makes a difference. Let’s keep believing in our kids.”

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