Traditional, Eclectic, Unschooling: Take A Look At These Popular Homeschooling Methods

  • Every homeschool family method is unique but there are certain homeschooling styles that exist to help us, parents, to teach.

    The different approaches of homeschooling are based on a particular philosophy, your child’s needs, or even the way you see an ideal learning environment.

    If you are new to the whole idea of homeschooling, here are the popular homeschool methods.

    6 of the most popular homeschooling methods

    Traditional Homeschooling

    Traditional homeschool is basically the same education model that most of us are primarily familiar with.

    Similar to the local public or private school classroom set-up, it usually utilizes a lecture teaching style, with days solidly planned and scheduled, and makes frequent use of tests to track progress.

    Families utilizing this approach use an “all-in-one” or “boxed curriculum” that are grade-level appropriate.

    Eclectic Homeschooling

    This is sometimes referred to as relaxed homeschooling. This is used most often by homeschoolers who tend to worry less about schedules and milestones.

    This is an exceptionally personalized approach based on the child’s strengths, and learning styles.

    In eclectic method, parents can choose “important” subjects, like Math, Reading, and Language, to cover every thoroughly.

    This method also allows your family to choose books, field trips, classes, and right mix of resources that fit your child’s needs and interests.

    Classical Homeschooling

    Classical education is one style of education which have stood the test of time. The classical approach has the overall goal of teaching children to think for themselves.

    It is based on a three-part process, and main stages of learning: Grammar (concrete learning), Logic (critical learning), and Rhetoric (abstract learning).


    A classical education is language-based, rather than hands-on or video-based compared to the other homeschooling styles.

    Charlotte Mason

    Charlotte Mason (CM) was a British author, and teacher in the late 1800s. She placed heavy emphasis on using high-quality literature, “living books,” to teach children.

    The method utilizes periods of study that are coupled with nature walks, nature journals, history portfolios, and lots of practice in observation, memorization, and narration.

    CM approach allows families to integrate books, academic lessons, art programs, and nature studies into a holistic and personalized program for each child.

    Unit Studies

    The Unit Study Method is in a way similar to the eclectic method as it allows the child to take further studies for mastery in topics that interest them.

    This method is a thematically related learning where a child will study the same event or topic and incorporate multiple subject areas into the study plan in different skill levels.

    Any unit can cover reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and fine arts.


    This style is known as natural, and interest-led. Unschooling is a free-form learning model which is student-centered, and unconventional.

    Contrary to how it sounds, unschooling does not mean that the child is not learning. It is focused more on the experimental process of learning.

    Unschoolers do not use school schedules or formal lessons, and do not have constraints such as introduction of certain subjects at certain ages. Instead, they learn from everyday experiences.

    Can’t decide which one is best for your child? Don’t worry, your homeschooling method can be one, or combinations of several methods that fit you and your family best. You can, and do, follow a little of all of them!

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    Which home schooling method have you tried? How was the experience? Share it in the comment section. You can also join our Facebook group, the Smart Parenting Village.

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