Here’s An Activity To Help Your Toddler About Shapes That’s Fun (And Edible!)

  • Home-based learning need not be a predicatable chore for both parents and kids. In teaching your toddler, for instance, about shapes, you can start by reading a book about shapes. An example is The Shapes We Eat by Simone T. Ribke.

    Then lead your kid out of the designated study area and head to the dining room or even to the kitchen. Here’s where the fun begins in helping toddlers not only develop their skills in math, literacy, and fine motor, but also encourage them to eat well, happy, and healthy.

    What you’ll need:

    • Prepare several pieces of loaf bread and some cookie cutters of various shapes, specifically circle, triangle, square, and reclangle.
    • If you don’t have cookie cutters at home, you can use a bread knife and any round, clean bottle lid.
    • You can also buy beforehand breads of different types and shapes.

    What you’ll do:

    Using the book on shapes as a guide, help your child create, using cookie cutters, different shapes out of the loaf bread. When using a bread knife, assist your child cut a piece of loaf bread into half to make a rectangle or triangle. Use the clean bottle lid to press into a piece of loaf bread to create a circle.

    After making several bread cutouts together, you tell your toddler to group them by shape: square, rectangle circle, and triangle. Include here also the various breads you bought beforehand and help your kid put each to the group of shapes it belongs to.


    Now you can make sandwiches together using your favorite palaman, like Lady’s Choice sandwich spread. Then, for added fun, you  can ask your toddler to stack the grouped sandwiches and make a tower as high as he or she can.

    Lastly, you and your child can call the other members of your household to have a nice merienda together.

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Here’s An Activity To Help Your Toddler About Shapes That’s Fun (And Edible!)
Source: Progress Pinas

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