Time For A Family Email Address If You And Your Spouse Keep Arguing Whose Account To Use

  • With education and basically all other activities shifting to digital space, it is no question that it is high time for parents to consider setting up a separate email account for the family instead of using your or your husband’s personal accounts.

    From your kids’ online classes and medical appointments to preparing travel requirements, almost everything now is coursed online. While using your personal email address for these transactions works (at least for now), pooling all kid-related emails in one place is definitely a more efficient way to do it.

    Pros of having a central family email address

    Sarah Showfety, the author of Dear Baby: I’m Sorry…: Apologies for Life’s Little Parenting Fails, speaks from experience when she shared in an article the wonders of creating a family email address has done to her family. Here are some of them:

    Reap the benefits of being organized 

    Just like with other things, being organized and having a designated spot for a specific purpose can help you manage tasks efficiently. The same goes with having a family email address. 

    A separate email address for kid-related matters lessens running the risk of missing an important update after it got lost in between other personal or work emails.

    Both parents get to be “lead parents”

    Most of the time when parents have to submit an email address in any institution where their kids have signed up, they usually list one of the parents’ personal email addresses. And whoever’s email was handed over, that parent becomes the “lead parent.” This can be problematic because managing kids’ affairs is a responsibility equally shared by both parents.


    “Ideally, a family email address will function as a way to inform both parents of processes, updates, meetings, school supply requests, etc. equally—so they can handle the attendant workload equitably,” Showfety said.

    Aside from preventing the inevitable information overload, having a shared access to relevant information about your kids helps in fostering open communication between parents. This is especially useful for co-parents as a way of keeping each other updated on matters relating to their kids even if they are no longer living together.

    Tips on setting up a family email address

    If you’re already convinced that setting up a family email address is a ncessity, the next thing you need to know are the must-dos.

    According to Showfety, when opening a family email address, the address line must be easily recognizable. Examples she gave are “RachelsParents@gmail.com” or “MorseFamily@gmail.com.”

    The author also shares this tip about utilizing email filters for added efficiency. Showfety recommends parents to forward highly important emails to their personal accounts just in case your partner accidentally deletes it.

    Bonus tip: If you are looking forward to setting up a family email address, you might also want to explore Google For Families. According to Google, this family feature can help parents manage and supervise their kids’ (ages 13 and below) email activities.

    After reading our article, do you think every family should have a family email address? Share your thoughts in our Facebook group Smart Parenting Village.

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Time For A Family Email Address If You And Your Spouse Keep Arguing Whose Account To Use
Source: Progress Pinas

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