Alex Gonzaga Reveals Pregnancy Loss Due To Blighted Ovum

  • Alex Gonzaga is ready to tell her story of pregnancy loss.

    On October 17, 2021, the television host shared a photo of her pregnancy test that confirmed she was pregnant two months ago. Unfortunately, three weeks ago, she was told she had a blighted ovum, also known as anembryonic pregnancy.

    A blighted ovum means no sac or embryo and is discovered during ultrasound (typically around 6 weeks of the pregnancy). As we wrote in this article, the doctor may still see a tiny gestational sac in the woman’s uterus but without the yolk sac typically attached to the embryo. Sometimes, there can be a yolk sac but no fetal pole or a curved structure that will eventually develop into the fetus during pregnancy.

    The cause for a blighted ovum is unknown, so a couple can’t really do anything to prevent it. It is also considered a miscarriage.

    Once diagnosed with anembryonic pregnancy, the doctor will have three treatment options: dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure, also known as raspa; medication to induce miscarriage; or tells a patient to wait until her body naturally expels the blighted ovum.

    Based on what Alex shared on her social accounts, her doctor prescribed her the third option.

    She writes, “Our doctor advised us to wait for the process to naturally take its course. So we had to wait for a while for the pregnancy to finally end before we can tell our story.

    “The waiting and praying tested our faith and there were a lot of crying. Every day we were clinging on to a miracle that an embryo would still appear but last Tuesday (October 12), the Lord’s will prevailed and we finally closed the book of our first pregnancy.”


    Along with her revelation, Alex shared five photos both on her Instagram and Facebook accounts. It began with her pregnancy test and her husband Mikee Morada kissing her belly. The next three in the series showed the couple at the hospital.

    Alex says she is sharing her story to give hope to couples who have experienced pregnancy loss. As for what the future holds, she and Mikee give it up to God.

    “To any couple who’s going through this or who might go through this pain, don’t ever lose hope. It’s not your fault this happened. At your own pace, you can start to grieve and heal. Mikee and I held on to our Lord Jesus to prepare and help us accept our situation. He blessed us with a kind of LOVE that is ready to understand. We know that in His perfect time He will bless us with our ultimate desire.

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    “To our baby whom we almost had, thank you for giving mommy and daddy joy even for a short span. Lastly, thank you to everyone who gave us time to heal.”

    This mom says women must talk about miscarriage or early pregnancy loss. She is sharing her story here let people know it is not a woman’s fault.

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Alex Gonzaga Reveals Pregnancy Loss Due To Blighted Ovum
Source: Progress Pinas

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