Saab Magalona Shares How She Disciplines Pancho: ‘We May Have Spoiled Him A Little Bit’

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    It’s called “terrible two’s” for a reason. When kids get to the toddler stage, it’s crazy how a sweet cooing baby turns into a toddler giving off a brat attitude.

    And as a parent, you probably brush it off, thinking it’s probably a one-time thing. But then months fly by, and your toddler’s bratty behavior has escalated to impatience, being demanding, sometimes even comes with hitting to get your attention. What happened?

    Saab Magalona shared her discipline strategies for her son Pancho, who has special needs, in a new vlog uploaded last October 11, 2021 on her YouTube channel. She and her husband, musician Jim Bacarro, suspected they “may have spoiled him a little bit by giving him everything he wanted right away.”

    “I think it’s a lot harder to discipline a child with special needs,” Saab says, revealing that because of their eagerness to give Pancho what he wants so that he doesn’t get hurt, they may have unknowingly encouraged “bratty behavior.”

    “So there was a time he was super power-tripping,” Saab adds, “Because he knew Jim and I would just give everything he wanted.”

    For parents who encounter such behavior — whether they are caring for a child with special needs or not — you may find Saab and Jim’s tips helpful. In addition, their tips can help your child cultivate patience and use kind words.


    Saab says that Pancho would say things like, “Carry me right now, Mama!” and Saab would do so right away.

    When they wanted to curb such behavior, Saab said, “We have to encourage him to use his words.”

    The vlog shows that before giving in to Pancho’s request for music, Saab encourages him to ask for it, saying “please” at the end.

    After asking for it, Saab counts to five before doing Pancho’s request. “I do this to help them build patience,” Saab states in the vlog.

    Even if it is just for a few seconds, waiting will instill patience in kids and adults alike. That pause or gap between asking and getting is crucial to learn those good things come to those who wait!

    You can watch the full video here.

    Read here how Saab also patiently disciplines Vito.

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Saab Magalona Shares How She Disciplines Pancho: ‘We May Have Spoiled Him A Little Bit’
Source: Progress Pinas

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