Study Shows More Affordable Weddings Lead To Longer-Lasting Marriages

  • Maybe it’s just me, but have you guys also noticed that this past year, more and more people are either getting engaged or married?

    You’ve probably been in the same situation as I have: One minute you’re scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram timeline, and all of a sudden, you see the *big news*: Your high school batchmate or a member of your barkada just got engaged.

    TBH, I clearly remember there was even a month when magkakasunod yung mga announcements. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy for these people!

    It’s just really so interesting to witness the ~timing~ of it all. Proposals and weddings have been booming recently, and it seems like there’s a legit explanation for it.

    wedding ceremony

    A quick look into weddings

    According to an article published by  Bloomberg, “When a collective trauma hits a society, it forces people to reevaluate their priorities and their partners. Questions that may have seemed remote or irrelevant—whether, for example, they wanted to grow old alone—suddenly acquire new urgency.”


    In this case, the so-called collective trauma is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. One way or another, these past months have been a struggle for all of us.

    But if there’s something we’re sure of, it’s that these tough times have got us asking the more *important* questions: How do I build an emergency fund? Do I see myself getting married? Do I want to have kids? The list of Qs goes on.

    In fact, based on a study conducted by data scientist Randal Olson, people who get married during an economic crisis actually end up with longer-lasting marriages.

    Perhaps it’s because despite the ongoing problems they may face, these couples are able to withstand them together. Take for example, this Pinoy couple who was able to make their burger business thrive during the pandemic.

    Another interesting research by economists Andrew Francis Tan and Hugo Mialon shows evidence that “Marriage duration is inversely associated with spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony.”

    They surveyed over 3,000 married individuals and found that “relatively low spending on the wedding is positively associated with duration among male and female respondents.”

    The cheaper the wedding, the higher chances there are of enduring the marriage. Andrew and Hugo’s study also cites, “Additionally, we find that having high wedding attendance and having a honeymoon (regardless of how much it cost) are generally positively associated with marriage duration.”

    Obviously, these are just a few factors that can affect a couple’s marriage. It’s good to have some food for thought, though.

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    At the end of day, it still all goes down to the decisions you and your partner make throughout your union. After all, it does take two to tango.

    This story originally appeared on

    *Minor edits have been made by the editors.

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