Taking on side hustles during your free time at home can be a good way to earn extra cash. From simple typing jobs to tutoring stints, there are plenty of ways for parents to earn from home (and get relevant work experience!).
Here’s one job opportunity you might be interested in: a transcription job at a website called TranscribeMe. This transcription job lets you take on projects based on your own schedule, so you can work as much as or as little as you can. Its only requirement is that you accomplish at least one job each month to maintain your ‘active’ status.
How do I apply?
To apply, you must be 18 years old or above, with a PayPal account (where your payments will be processed), a desktop or laptop, and an internet connection. They don’t require a certain typing speed from applicants, just as long as your work is accurate.
To apply, you first need to register on their website. After registering, take their English Entrance Exam and familiarize yourself with their Style Guide.
The Style Guide dictates the do’s and don’ts of transcribing certain words as well as the style they prefer for transcripts, so it’s worth reviewing before proceeding with the exam.
Once you pass the exam, the website states that your account should be activated within three business days, and then you can proceed with working on projects.
How much do I earm?
According to TranscribeMe’s website, they pay $15 (or approximately P727) per audio hour for beginners. Do note that the audio hour pertains to the length of the audio you transcribe and not how much time you spent transcribing. On an average, TranscribeMe states that freelancers can earn up to $250 a month, or roughly P12,125.
ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOWOnce your payment balance reaches $20, you may request for a payoutÂwill be sent to your PayPal account. Payouts are processed every Thursday of the week.
You can learn more about this transcription job here.
This story originally appeared on Candymag.com.
*Minor edits have been made by the SmartParenting.com.ph editors.