Jim And Saab Bacarro’s Kids Love Turmeric! The Couple Share Mealtime Secrets

  • For those who are into listening to podcasts especially local ones, you probably know who we’re talking about when we mention Wake Up With Jim & Saab. As the name of the podcast suggests, it’s none other than the oh-so-young “pod-parents:” Jim Bacarro and Saab Magalona-Bacarro.

    While most of their content on Wake Up With Jim & Saab can be considered PG-13, the couple has never been the type to shy away from talking about being parents to Vito and Pancho on their social media accounts, and more recently, on Saab’s YouTube series The Magulo Na Bacarros, a play on “Magalona” (Saab’s maiden name).

    In an interview with Summit Media journalists, Yummy.ph got to talk to the pod-parents and asked them to share about what it’s like eating with their kids, Vito and Pancho.


    Vito 7:00 p.m.-food request

    Fun fact for the newbie fans of their podcast or YouTube series: Jim loves to cook and is often the one cooking in the household!

    Jim says, “At night, because Vito is a growing boy—well, both [Vito and Pancho] naman—Vito has learned the magic of fried chicken.” As a way to request fried chicken from Jim, Vito would, at around 7:00 p.m., say ‘ba-ba, ba-ba‘ and does it with a matching adorable chicken dance.

    Jim also says that the kids love tomato-based dishes and anything with cheese. It’s been extremely easy for Jim to cook for the kids since he can chop just any kind of vegetables that he wants (even broccoli and sitaw!) and just add tomato sauce. He adds, “For some reason, they really, really love turmeric, too. Like me!”

    When Jim mentioned, “The kids love turmeric fried Adlai,” Saab interrupts and jokingly says, “Ang arte ng mga bata na ‘to!”

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    Pancho’s super expensive palaman

    Breakfast with the Bacarros usually mean having these at the table: pandesal slathered with Skippy peanut butter that is, except for Pancho. Jim says, “He has to have this super-duper expensive, overly-expensive almond butter,” to which Saab adds that it’s from Healthy Options.

    Saab adds, “He really loves it!” which is why no one in the household can touch Pancho’s super expensive almond butter but Pancho himself. That’s understandable given that it is, after all, super-duper expensive as Jim describes it.

    No-cook breakfast meals

    If Jim loves to cook in the kitchen, Saab is slightly the opposite of that. She admits that she’s not that well-versed or experienced in the kitchen, which is why she treasures spending breakfast with Vito since it involves zero cooking.


    Saab shares that she and Vito are the early birds of the Bacarro household. She loves it when they wake up at the same time because that means they can spend eating breakfast together, too. The best part? Vito’s requests don’t require serious kitchen skills.

    She says, “He [Vito] is okay with a piece of toast, sliced avocados, cream cheese—the no-cook stuff! And egg whites!”

    Here’s a little preview of what that looks like in Magulo na Bacarro Episode 04: A No-Work Day for Mama (skip to 05:46!):

    If you want to see and hear more about Jim, Saab, Vito, and Pancho, follow the Wake Up With Jim and Saab on Spotify and Saab Magalona on YouTube, too.

    This story originally appeared on Yummy.ph.

    *Minor edits have been made by the SmartParenting.com.ph editors.

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