Showing posts from December, 2022Show all
Aphrodite beats her son Eros with a slipper. 360 BC from Taranto
Women’s bar is taken over by kangaroos every day
Huh…guess I grabbed the extra strength moisturizer by mistake
Boys will be boys (Press unmute)
Accurate holiday season
I got this for my manager’s last day tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I can’t get fired…
Justicia para Jorge Claudio: AMLO y Del Mazo prometen investigar liberación de hombre que atropelló y mató a vendedor de tamales
Nuevo León prohíbe venta de perros y gatos en tiendas a partir de mayo de 2023
Bought this vertical mouse and my team is making fun of me that it’s too phallic.
Movimiento Ciudadano denuncia espectaculares de Sheinbaum; AMLO evita hablar sobre propaganda
The neighbor who came to the house to say that he was cheated on by his wife (Press unmute)
He waited all day to get this off his chest (Press unmute)
any objections?
Abandoned Sailboat! In the Atlantic Ocean
Insurance isn’t gonna believe this until you show them the video
Daily Afternoon Chaos (30 Pictures)
The archives!
Somehow she gets tired
Carfentanil is a synthetic drug that is often combined with Heroin. It is 100 times more powerful than fentanyl and 25 grams could kill approximately 1 million people
Christmas in Ontario Canada
Christmas Eve visitor
Daily Afternoon Chaos (30 Pictures)
it’s a tradition! dedicated to all my single brothers out there!]
No dejes las chamarras: Prevén lluvias, frío y temperaturas de hasta -15 grados en 4 estados
Merry Christmas (Press unmute)
Both Alaska and Texas can fit into Western Australia
Christmas came early.
A christmas gift from Microsoft. It’s a tiny Xbox Series S made of chocolate and the details are amazing
180 periodistas exigen a AMLO detener ataques contra la prensa; “no polarizo, politizo”, responde
Elon Musk after work this week