When Baby Farts Stop Becoming Funny: 4 Warning Signs

  • One of the observations you may have while taking care of a newborn 24/7 is babies fart a lot. You might even begin to wonder how much farting is typical for such a tiny human being. So, what do you do if your baby seems to have too much gas (yung utot ng utot)?

    Passing gas is completely normal for both babies and adults. As board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Alexander Perelman explains on Romper, the gas that we release in our farts “is just air trapped in the GI (gastrointestinal) tract that needs to come out.”

    But while it’s a normal part of our digestive process, gas can also play a part in most intestinal complaints, according to Jeremiah Levine, M.D.

    Below are some things you should know about your baby’s digestive health if you’re worried that your bundle of joy is becoming fussy and feeling uncomfortable because of the frequent farting.

    Causes of baby farts

    As Noreen Iftikhar, MD, a physician and nutrition expert, discussed in this article, there are several possible reasons why your baby is passing too much gas.

    Immature digestive system

    “Like a new little engine, a baby’s tummy and digestive tract needs time to warm up. A baby’s digestive system is still developing and doesn’t yet have enough friendly bacteria to help with digestion,” Iftikhar explains.

    Since babies’ digestive system is still a work in progress, how and what you’re feeding your baby can make a difference when it comes to gas.

    Your baby can intake more air depending on their position while you’re feeding them.
    If your baby is being bottle-fed, Iftikhar suggests letting the bottle settle after shaking “to reduce the air bubbles in the mix.” Iftikhar adds, “Make sure you’re positioned so that the nipple is full of milk or formula.”


    If you are breastfeeding, Iftikhar recommends having baby go for a deep latch to minimize the amount of air your baby can suck while feeding.

    Breastfeeding mommies can also pay attention to their diet as it affects their breast milk. Some food that you eat could be the cause why you’re baby is producing more gas. However, the sensitivity can also be because of your baby’s formula milk.

    Ensuring that your baby is burping enough after every feeding session can help babies relieve gas.

    Frequent crying

    Crying is one way your baby lets you know when he is hungry, uncomfortable or something is wrong. And frequent crying opens an opportunity for babies to swallow more air.


    “Gassiness can also be indicative of some constipation, a food that doesn’t agree with their young GI tract,” parenting book author Dr. Whitney Casares, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P., tells Romper.

    According to Iftikhar, constipation among babies likely happens if they are given formula or have started taking solid foods. (Click here to read more about constipation in babies)

    When should you worry?

    Frequent baby farts aren’t usually a cause of concern but it should be a major red flag if you observe that your baby is in pain.

    Casares determines the following as warning signs when baby farts could probably be an indication of a health problem and a visit to the doctor is a must:

    • Baby is not gaining weight
    • There is projectile vomiting
    • Blood is observed in baby’s poop
    • If the baby is lethargic during feeding
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    Read more about the causes of baby farts and how to relieve them here.

    What other parents are reading

When Baby Farts Stop Becoming Funny: 4 Warning Signs
Source: Progress Pinas

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