Mom Isolated Her Eldest Who Complained Of A Headache, ‘But COVID-19 Spreads Quicker’

  • It was a typical day for our family. We had a late breakfast. Reign, our eldest, had online classes. Daddy was preparing for home-based work, and our little boy was playing with his ate Juliene. I was doing the usual chores and attending a Zoom PTA meeting.

    Then, Reign complained of a headache. My reaction was to isolate her immediately, but COVID-19 spreads quicker, as it turned out.

    Our COVID-19 symptoms

    Later that day, I got a headache, which I thought could be my existing migraine. But as a precaution, I wore a double mask the entire time and washed my hands, and sanitized them like crazy! Then my husband got a headache, and our 9-year-old and 3-year-old soon followed.

    The fever and the typical flu symptoms — the chills, fatigue, and back pains — began. My body pain worsened. Then my eldest suddenly asked from her room, shouting:

    “What’s the taste of this bread?”

    I answered, “It’s sweet and a little salty “

    She then replied, “Hmm, I can’t taste it.”

    The symptoms confirmed COVID had struck us. I was scared and panicking inside, but I thought I had to be strong. I had to focus on how we could prevent it from getting worse and prepare when it does.

    I have read so much information about COVID and heard stories from friends and family. But nothing compares to experiencing it first-hand.

    When my family got COVID, my sister was battling the virus at a hospital, and she was accompanied by our mom, who was COVID-positive. My other siblings were also experiencing symptoms.

    The author had swab tests were done at home and the results back as positive for everyone. “I knew it was Covid even before the results came back.”
    PHOTO BY Julie Ann Dapol

    Managing COVID-19 at home

    I was silently crying in our bathroom, praying my ate would survive, and everyone in the family would get through this. Then, I suddenly found myself gasping for air. I laid down on the bed, trying to regain strength, but it was really hard.

    I knew I had to get back up because the kids were starting to worry. And praise God, I managed to do so because my husband felt so weak he almost fell on the floor. His symptoms were worse than mine. He couldn’t eat, sleep, and breathe properly. There were bloodstains when he coughed, had LBM, and his oxygen dropped to 88.

    Neal and Juliene got the fever, and I almost lost it. But thank God for the guidance and presence of mind. I was carrying Neal and telling myself, you’re a mom — you can do this! I told myself to ask for help, ask around, message those who could help. (Thank you to all those who helped and wished us well. It means a lot to us and is forever embedded in our hearts.)

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    “Ito po ang mga oxygen tank na nahiram namin. Tatlo yan naisauli na ung maliit (10 lbs.). Yan dalawa sa photo ay 15 lbs at 20 lbs Refill is P400-750 depende sa laki.” One refill lasted the family for two days.
    PHOTO BY Julie Ann Dapol

    I ordered an oximeter, thermal scanner, nebulizer, and an oxygen tank for Reigner (my hubby), who struggled, but we really wanted to manage the sickness at home. We knew how hard it was to get a room at any hospital, and I couldn’t take care of him there because the kids needed me too.

    He was getting skinny, and I could see that his whole body was shaking. Traditional meds were not enough. So my brother-in-law recommended a doctor for a teleconsult, and she prescribed a lot of medication.

    Click here to read what a doctor advised us about managing mild to severe COVID-19 at home.



    Kids’ medicine: Cetirizine Phenylephrine Alnix Plus, Paracetamol Biogesic, ASCOF Lagundi, and Acetylcysteine 

    Read here the treatments helping patients survive.

    What we have learned from our COVID-19 ordeal

    Be prepared

    It’s not that you’re expecting to get sick, but being ready can help lessen your worry. I bought an oximeter, nebulizer, and thermal scanner before we even needed it. I stocked up alcohol and disinfectants soaps. We asked for oxygen before our oxygen got worst. Don’t wait until the last minute because it could mean life and death.

    This doctor says we need to have a pandemic mindset

    The author said this really helped for the throat. “Tanggal kati ng lalamunan.”
    PHOTO BY Julie Ann Dapol

    Ask for help

    There is no discrimination now for Covid patients like us based on our experience. We took the courage to be vocal about it and got tremendous help from our families and friends.

    Be mindful of others

    We made sure we wouldn’t infect anybody else. We stayed home, and all deliveries were left outside. We would get it only after they left. We knew how hard it was getting sick or seeing someone you love get weaker.

    Keep healthy

    It was a good thing I was vaccinated and thus quicker to recover. Good thing my husband regularly exercised that even though he had severe symptoms, he overcame COVID.

    The mom said they also drank this to prevent dehydration. The doctor advised eating a banana every meal to increase potassium levels in their body.
    PHOTO BY Julie Ann Dapol

    Keep praying. Hope our story can reach other families and hope it somehow helps you.

    The kids were on a double dose of vitamins even before we had COVID-19.
    PHOTO BY Julie Ann Dapol

    Julie Ann Dapol originally published this story on her Facebook. made edits for length and clarity.

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Mom Isolated Her Eldest Who Complained Of A Headache, ‘But COVID-19 Spreads Quicker’
Source: Progress Pinas

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