The Not-So-Secret List Of Chores Moms Want Dads To Do Without Asking

  • These days, couples spend more time indoors due to the lockdown and working from home. Aside from the stress of being cooped up for a long period of time, couples also face the challenge of dividing house chores.

    Couples must ensure that chores get done on a daily basis. When mouths need feeding, toilets need cleaning, and dishes need washing, it will be inevitable for conflict not to arise, especially as not all families can afford hired help.

    Chores moms wish dad would help out with

    Based on my experience, it is the moms who end up juggling work, caring for the kids, and doing house chores. When we get tired, overworked, and overwhelmed, resentment starts to creep in. If not resolved at the onset, it can turn to anger, which then results in explosive conflict.

    Before this happens, dads need and should step up and pitch in. I asked my mom friends the top chores they wish hubby would help out more with, without them having to ask. Here are the answers.

    1. Watch over the kids while mom is working

    An hour or so of focused time at work can make a lot of difference in the quality of work delivered. In my case, I can write better articles in one uninterrupted hour compared to four hours of distracted work. Watching the kids while mom is working is greatly appreciated.

    2. Help kids with their homework

    Divide and conquer is key — I’m not good at Math, but hubby is, so if he helps out, it will take a load off my shoulders. That will also give moms more time to do other things.


    3. Put dirty clothes away

    Discarded clothes scattered around the house is an eyesore. It’s even backbreaking to pick them up every. single. time.

    It is simple enough to do, but dads tend to forget. So, it becomes the perfect excuse to start nagging. If everyone in the family, dads included, help pick things up and put them away properly, then moms will shut up.

    4. Plan and cook meals

    Don’t you know how frustrating it is whenever moms ask “what do you want to eat,” and you reply with, “anything”? You can’t order that for delivery nor search a recipe for it on Google.

    A well-thought out, delicious, and healthy meal (plus snacks) is best sorted with a plan prepared ahead of time. Give mom a meal plan and you get back something more. *wink*

    5. Wash the dishes

    Dads, please do the dishes with a cheerful heart. It does not help when you bang things around with a frown on your face.

    Anybody who sees this sulky expression will almost always get irritated. Nobody wants to start a fire, so smiling while washing is the key. Heh.

    6. Wash and fold the clothes

    It doesn’t matter how you do this — use the washing machine or drop it off the laundry shop — as long as it gets done and off mom’s to-do list, you’ll go way up high on the pedestal.

    7. Do the groceries

    This is especially helpful for new moms caring for babies. Moms can prepare the list and dads can go grocery shopping. Easy-peasy!

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    Just take note: if you have doubts, ask (yes, do call!) before you buy.

    8. Change the nappies

    No, it won’t diminish masculinity. As a matter of fact, you’d look more handsome in mom’s eye. When this chore becomes second nature, 10,000 points are in the bag, for sure!

    9. Bathe baby

    You’ll be giving mom the gift of “me” time, plus bonding during bath time will create precious moments for baby and daddy.

    10. Take the kids to bed

    Sure, I love reading aloud with my kids, but there are days when it gets tiring and overwhelming. On days when all I want to do is crawl to our bed and shut everything out and sleep, I wish hubby can take over.

    If moms get their much-needed rest, they can get up, cuddle, and take care of dad’s needs after. *wink*

    I’d like to think that husbands would love to help us moms, but it sometimes gets lost in communication. Moms have to ask in an outright manner with complete, clear, and easy-to-follow steps.

    Communicate the support you need from each other — when you speak better, results are easier. Maintaining harmony in our household is important, but we also need to value keeping mom’s sanity and well-being. Remember: a happy wife makes a happy life!

    A frustrated mom tells husbands: Don’t wait to be asked to do chores — just do something. Read more here.

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The Not-So-Secret List Of Chores Moms Want Dads To Do Without Asking
Source: Progress Pinas

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