Sophie Albert Got COVID-19 Postpartum Along With The Rest Of Her Family

  • When Sophie Albert announced in an Instagram post, dated August 6, 2021, that she’s “fully vaxxed,” she actually had so much to say about COVID-19.

    “I had COVID,” the GMA-7 actress tells in an exclusive interview. “Battled with COVID when I was two months postpartum, when Avianna turned two months.”

    Sophie gave birth to Avianna Celeste on March 15, 2021 (read here). The baby girl is her and her fiancé Vin Abrenica‘s first child. The young family stayed with the new mom’s parents before moving into their own place.

    “I always knew it was real,” she says of the highly infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, which then sparked a global health crisis. “But, if I didn’t experience it on my own, I would never really take it as seriously as I do now.”

    Sophie recalls their family driver was the first to get the infection: “When he picked up his son from the airport, we sent him to a quarantine facility for two weeks. And he tested negative. So we allowed him to come home to our house.


    “And then, he lost his voice. So, because he tested negative, my mom was like, ‘Nah! It’s okay. Baka he’s just tired. Never mind. It’s okay.’ Until our cook got sick. She had a fever naman…So we had two of them tested and true enough, they tested positive.

    “And then, we had everybody in my mom’s household tested and everybody was positive, except for one of our househelp. The sad thing is my dad kasi he is…he’s a special case. He’s been comatose for 20 years, and he tested positive.”

    Sophie admits reaching the breaking point: “My world talagang…I don’t know, it just turned upside down ’cause it’s my dad and, you know, he’s…he’s a special case. He’s sick. And I didn’t know how it would affect him because of his situation.”

    She adds, in hindsight now: “My dad was the only one who had it really seriously.  He had long COVID, which lasted for months. So he was hospitalized for, I think, almost two months.

    “And we really thought he was gonna go. It wasn’t looking good for him. He has to have hemoperfusion. And after few sessions, he got better. And now, he’s back home! Which is a miracle. And we’re so happy and so thankful. So yeah, at least he made it!”

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    As for Sophie, Vin, and Baby Avianna, she happily reports that they were all asymptomatic and recovered well at their own place. She remembers when she tested positive, her daughter was also “considered positive even without testing her because I was breastfeeding her and I was the one taking care of her.”

    Sophie says she was assured by her doctor that babies have bigger chances of resisting the virus. At that time, though, the Delta variant, said to be the most contagious strain even to babies, had not been confirmed to have local transmission.

    “Avianna only lost her voice, like she got paos,” the first-time mom says. “She didn’t have fever, she didn’t have anything, so I was really closely monitoring her and watching her.”

    Looking back now, Sophie muses, “Actually, COVID also is really a huge mental battle. It’s not just a physical battle but it really takes a toll on you mentally. So, that was the hard part about it.”

    That’s why when she got the chance, she had herself vaccinated. This is also in line with the advocacy of her management agency, GMA Artist Center. It recently launched the COVID-19 vaccination campaign called #FlexMoNa to encourage people to get vaccinated.

    Sophie encourages more people to get jabbed: “Sana people do just so that we get over this already, especially for the kids. Honestly, parang me, I already experienced life. I already played outside. I already experienced conversing with people, being with other people.

    “But our kids, they’re stuck at home and not being able to play outside or see a playground, or even touch anything outside. It’s not a fun life. So for me, just really for the kids, like let’s do it. Let them have a life. Let us let them have a good life, ‘di ba?”

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Sophie Albert Got COVID-19 Postpartum Along With The Rest Of Her Family
Source: Progress Pinas

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