Rica Peralejo’s Message For Tired Moms: ‘We Need To Find Pockets Of Rest’

  • It’s an understatement to say that moms are tired. Raising happy, healthy kids takes a lot of work. Then there’s running the household, going to work, staying connected with your husband or partner, the other relationships in your life such as friends and family. No wonder moms are running on empty!

    Mom of two kids Rica Peralejo-Bonifacio shows us how she takes care of herself when she’s feeling tired and stressed out. In her recent vlog entitled “I’m tired | Burned out and demotivated? (Self-healing VLOG),” you’ll see her head to the salon, get her nails done, brush her teeth, have a date night with her husband, Joseph Bonifacio, and spend time with her kids.

    She also takes time to read her Bible, and it was during this time, she came to understand what kind of rest she needs and what it means to rest.

    Rica explains resting isn’t only reserved for moms with the extra money to go out, or those with yayas, a devoted partner or family members to watch over the kids. She says it’s all about finding what gives you joy — and it can be absolutely free.


    According to Rica, “There is a divine rhythm between work and rest. When we have too much of each and too little of the other, doon na tayo nagkakaroon ng mga problema sa buhay natin.”

    She explains rest requires three things — the regularity, quality, and meaning of rest. Real rest goes beyond doing nothing, lying in bed whenever you get the opportunity.

    When it comes to the regularity of rest, Rica says, “We need to find pockets of rest in our daily lives. Find what works for you… let yourself relax so you can run again tomorrow.”

    When you find those pockets of time, using it well is essential — go for quality. “I mentioned earlier in this vlog ‘yung term na ‘avocation’. May ginagawa ba kayong bagay kung saan nag-eenjoy kayo truly sa araw ng rest mo?”

    She paraphrases from a book that she was reading, saying, “It’s not really just taking on a day where work is absent… on your rest day, work on something for the joy of it, not for the work of it. It actually fuels you to be inspired again.”

    For Rica, one of the things that give her quality rest are activities that feel very childlike. She continues, “When we find activities like that, that we do just for the pleasure of it, it really makes it a quality kind of rest.”

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    For the last building block to rest, Rica says that your rest must have meaning. A self-confessed workaholic before, she shares a valuable reminder to all working moms: “You are not your work… that if we don’t work, we are nobodies anymore… hindi mo kailangan mag-perform o gumalaw o trumabaho para magka-worth ka.”

    She also admits that she used to have the mindset that most working moms have: I work for the sake of my family. She adds, “I come from the total mindset na, ‘pag hindi ako nagtrabaho, magugutom ang pamilya ko.”

    It’s her belief in a higher power, in God, that helps her find meaning in rest. “Naniniwala ako Lord na hindi Mo kami pababayaan, kahit na mag-choose akong magpahinga regularly on a Sunday… I can honestly say that God has never let us down.”

    A parent who works as hard as you do deserves to rest well. Take up what Rica said to heart, and find a way to rest that works for you — and tell us all about it!

    Watch the full video of Rica’s vlog here.

    Yes, it’s okay to feel lazy if you’re tired, mom! Click here.

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Rica Peralejo’s Message For Tired Moms: ‘We Need To Find Pockets Of Rest’
Source: Progress Pinas

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