Alice Dixson Shares Baby’s First Step On Beach Sand!

  • Alice Dixson has brought her baby daughter Aura to the beach for the first time, and she gladly shares snippets from that trip with her social media followers. 

    In one photo, showing Alice and Baby Aura looking at the sea, the caption encapsulates  the first-time mom’s sentiments to her child. It says, “Every sunrise & sunset has even more meaning because of you.” She also calls her unica hija, Baby A.

    In another photo, Alice relates that she’s “making memories in my heart.” She goes on lamenting over the loss of her archive of photos and videos, especially those taken when Baby A was born. (Read here about her announcement in April 2021.)

    There’s also a video clip of the actress letting her baby step on the sand for the first time. “Will she like the sand kaya?” she asks in the caption.

    She adds, “Buti na lng this footage was saved. I’ve been away at work only a week and it feels sooo tagal! This is the longest I’ve ever been apart from my smiling baby Buddha.”


    Alice also notes that her daughter is a “definite water baby.” She explains, “We’ve taken her to the pool several times to swim & nag-e-enjoy naman s’ya, smiling… but this is her 1st time on the beach.” At the end of the caption, she wonders again, “Do you think she liked the sand?”

    Any parent can relate to Alice’s excitement for her daughter having just experienced one of the many first milestones. (For more stories on baby milestones, read here and here.)

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